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Board Review: Measles
People born before what year are generally considered to be immune to measles due to the likelihood of natural infection prior to widespread vaccination?
A) 1957
B) 1963
C) 1970
D) 1980
People who received the killed virus measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967 may develop atypical measles because the vaccine sensitized them to the virus without conferring immunity. What is unique about the presentation of atypical measles compared to typical measles?
A) Rash begins on the extremities and spreads centrally
B) Presence of Koplik spots
C) High fever preceding the rash
D) Rash fades within three days
Modified measles occurs as an attenuated infection in persons with partial immunity to the virus. Which of the following is NOT a method by which an individual is at risk for developing modified measles?
A) Having maternal antibodies from a mother who was vaccinated
B) Receipt of immunoglobulin
C) Receiving an incomplete series of the MMR vaccine
D) Exposure to a different strain of the measles virus than the one included in the vaccine
Which of the following U.S. adults does NOT need to receive another dose of the measles vaccine?
A) Healthcare workers without evidence of immunity
B) Students in post-secondary education institutions without evidence of immunity
C) International travelers without evidence of immunity
D) Adults born before 1957 without any documentation of immunity
What is the minimum interval between the first and second dose of the MMR vaccine?
A) 4 weeks
B) 8 weeks
C) 12 weeks
D) 28 weeks
Which type of immunity is primarily responsible for the elimination of the measles virus during an infection?
A) Cell-mediated immunity
B) Humoral immunity
C) Innate immunity
D) Passive immunity
What is the recommended post-exposure prophylaxis for individuals exposed to measles who do not have evidence of immunity?
A) Oral antiviral medication within 48 hours of exposure
B) MMR vaccine within 72 hours of exposure
C) Administration of immunoglobulin within 6 days of exposure
D) B and C only
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